Eurofins acquires one of the largest environmental laboratories in Scandinavia
Eurofins Danmark A/S has acquired the environmental activities (mainly water testing) of Steins A/S, one of the leading environmental laboratories in Scandinavia. The agreement includes the takeover of Steins laboratory in Vejen (Denmark). With this acquisition, Eurofins strengthens its position as the largest Environmental testing group in Europe.
According to Svend Aage Linde, Managing Director of Eurofins Danmark A/S and member of the Board of Eurofins Scientific S.A., this acquisition is a natural continuance of the consolidation that has taken place in the European laboratory industry over the last years - a consolidation which has had great influence on Danish environmental laboratories.
Eurofins currently employs about 200 staff in its environmental testing services in Scandinavia. "Through this acquisition, Eurofins strengthens its position in Northern Europe", states Svend Aage Linde. "The purchase of the environmental activities, BSE analyses and the laboratory in Vejen with around 100 employees should increase our annual turnover by over EUR 8 millions."
It is planned that the laboratory in Vejen continues production and shall be developed in line with Eurofins' ongoing efficiency programme. This programme will lead to a concentration of several production sites into fewer, larger and more effective laboratories.
The resulting synergies should contribute to a further margin improvement for Eurofins in Scandinavia while allowing clients to benefit from the additional efficiency as a consequence of this merger. Furthermore, this acquisition will contribute to securing a competitive Scandinavian laboratory production in times of increasing international competition.
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