Agilent Technologies Partners with Proteome Systems for Glycomics Applications, Software Development

Collaboration to Hasten Drug & Diagnostic Marker Discovery


Proteome Systems Ltd. and Agilent Technologies Inc. announced the expansion of their cooperative marketing agreement to develop new workflow solutions for the discovery of diagnostic markers and drug targets by glycomics analysis.

Proteome Systems will use its expertise in biomarker discovery to provide Agilent with glycomics applications and software development for use with Agilent's mass spectrometer range of instruments. Agilent will provide its new, high-sensitivity HPLC/Chip-based 6240 Ion Trap LC/MS system for the mass spectrometric analysis of protein-associated glycans.

"Changes in the glycosylation patterns of proteins in cancers are well-known indicators for the progression of the disease," said Dr. Nicolle Packer, Proteome Systems' program leader in cancer proteomics. "Our lead prostate cancer program, in collaboration with U.S.-based Egenix Inc., will benefit enormously from the cooperative technology program with Agilent. We are confident that the glycomics community in general will benefit from the development of new instruments, software and tools. We have successfully worked in this area for many years and are well placed to provide complete analysis solutions to Agilent for this type of discovery application."

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