Agilent Technologies Combines Gene Expression, Proteomics and Reagents Businesses into New Life-Sciences Unit

Creation of Integrated Biology Solutions Unit to Fuel Innovation of Technologies for Systems Biology, Early-Stage Research


Palo Alto, Calif. - Agilent Technologies Inc announced the formation of the Integrated biology Solutions (IBS) unit within its Life Sciences and Chemical Analysis business group. This new unit consolidates management of Agilent's growing gene expression, proteomics and reagents businesses under the leadership of Fran DiNuzzo. DiNuzzo, who joined HP/Agilent in 1981, has held several senior R&D, manufacturing and marketing management positions during the past 20 years, including vice president of the Chemical Analysis Solutions unit and, most recently, vice president of the Bio-Reagents, consumables and services business.

"The new structure will provide a single interface through which Agilent can better serve its customers in basic research, drug discovery and early-stage drug development," said DiNuzzo, vice president and general manager of IBS. "It will enable the rapid development of products that bridge multiple disciplines, thereby facilitating a more integrative study of biological organisms often referred to as 'systems biology.' "

"We are firmly committed to the life sciences and serving our customers successfully across the entire pharmaceutical value chain," said Chris van Ingen, president of Agilent's Life Sciences and Chemical Analysis group. "By focusing on the needs of basic research and drug discovery scientists, the IBS unit will provide a direct complement to our Pharmaceutical Analysis unit, which focuses on later-stage drug development and manufacturing. Under the leadership of Fran DiNuzzo, I believe we can accelerate our life science growth and position Agilent as a much stronger player in systems biology and the fields it encompasses."

Pharmaceutical, biotech and academic customers use a combination of technologies to research disease and potential new drugs. The data obtained during research -- whether from RNA, DNA or proteins -- is applicable to the broader study of biological systems such as molecular pathways and cellular metabolism. But it has traditionally been very difficult to integrate these diverse technologies and the data they produce. Agilent's new business unit pulls these technologies and markets under the same leadership with an eye toward the development of more comprehensive and integrated customer solutions. The change does not affect Agilent's financial reporting.

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