LGC reinforces its footprint in Poland with two new strategic agreements

LGC and Poland's Institute of Industrial Organic Chemistry (IPO) sign collaboration and distribution agreements


LGC has signed two agreements with Poland's Institute of Industrial organic chemistry (IPO), highlighting LGC's strategy of establishing partnerships/alliances to develop future commercial opportunities.

The first agreement is a collaboration agreement, which builds on LGC's existing relationship with the Warsaw-based institute. IPO has been a supplier of high quality, pesticide reference materials to LGC and its reference material distribution business, LGC Promochem, for many years. The collaboration agreement is wide ranging and builds on the complementary skills and resources of the two partners. LGC and IPO have already embarked on their first joint project where LGC is using its market knowledge to guide IPO in the development of impurities of pesticides and pharmaceuticals for use as reference materials. In addition, the two partners will jointly bid for EU and other funding for research and development programmes. The agreement also includes provision for exchange visits and training for IPO scientists.

The second agreement is a five-year distribution agreement, strengthening the existing relationship between LGC and IPO, under which IPO has supplied reference materials to LGC for distribution outside Poland. With immediate effect, LGC Promochem becomes the worldwide exclusive distributor for IPO reference materials, except in Poland where IPO will be a co-distributor.

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