GOW-MAC Instrument Co. Announces Divestiture of GOW-MAC Instrument Co.(Ireland) Ltd.


GOW-MAC® Instrument Co. announced that it has completed the sale of its shares in GOW-MAC Instrument Co. (Ireland) Ltd. The board of directors of each company has approved the transaction. No financial details of the sale were released.

Mr. Jeffrey Lawson, President and CEO of GOW-MAC® Instrument Co. states this change will enable GOW-MAC® to fulfill and be more responsive to the rapidly changing analytical technology demands of their customers. GOW-MAC® now becomes a more fully integrated company by conducting all its product development, manufacturing, distribution, and marketing from the corporate headquarters located in Bethlehem, PA USA. GOW-MAC has expanded its global support in the form of additional sales facilities, most notably the GOW-MAC® Instrument Co. - Taiwan office.

About GOW-MAC Instrument Co. is a leading manufacturer of gas chromatographs, on-line gas analyzers and fully integrated 'Packaged Laboratories' for PAT and process monitoring, research, and trace gas analysis fulfilling the requirements of standard test methodologies - ASTM, GPA etc

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Gas chromatography is an essential method in analytical chemistry for the separation and analysis of volatile compounds. Due to its high resolution and sensitivity, it has become firmly established in areas such as environmental analysis, food chemistry or forensic science. GC provides precise and reliable results and enables deep insights into the chemical composition of samples.

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Topic world Gas chromatography

Topic world Gas chromatography

Gas chromatography is an essential method in analytical chemistry for the separation and analysis of volatile compounds. Due to its high resolution and sensitivity, it has become firmly established in areas such as environmental analysis, food chemistry or forensic science. GC provides precise and reliable results and enables deep insights into the chemical composition of samples.

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