Genizon Becomes Certified Service Provider Under Illumina's New CSPro Program


Genizon BioSciences has become the first commercial organization to achieve certification under the new Certified Service Provider (CSPro) Program from Illumina, Inc. This certification assures compliance with the highest quality standards for Genizon's new Genotyping services.

The Illumina CSPro Program is a collaborative service partnership designed to ensure the delivery of the highest-quality data available for genetic analysis applications. Certification is carried out in two phases - a pre-certification phase under which a minimum quantity of data was produced, followed by a certification phase under which an audit was performed by Illumina and certification granted to Genizon.

Genizon is among the largest providers of Illumina-based SNP genotyping services, with a capacity of 100 million SNP genotypes per day. These services complement Genizon's genetic analysis services that are based on tools that the company has developed and used successfully in seven whole-genome association studies to date.

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