ProMetic and Serono Sign a Development and Collaboration Agreement

Development revenues for ProMetic of up to £550,000 (approx. $C1.3M)


Montreal, Canada. ProMetic Life Sciences Inc. wholly owned subsidiary ProMetic Biosciences Ltd announced that it has signed a development and collaboration agreement with laboratories Serono S.A. to provide Serono access to ProMetic´s unique protein purification technology.

Serono will fund the development of an affinity adsorbent to isolate and purify a protein of interest to Serono. A Mimetic Ligand(TM) will be selected from ProMetic´s Intelligent Combinatorial Libraries and will be designed to enhance Serono´s already rigorous therapeutic purification procedures.

"We are thrilled that Serono, a world leader in recombinant products, has chosen ProMetic´s technology to further enhance its manufacturing and purification processes!, commented Pierre Laurin, President and CEO of ProMetic Life Sciences Inc. !This agreement confirms once again the establishment of ProMetic as a world leader in the plasma and recombinant protein purification market!.

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