Amorfix Life Sciences Ltd. reports identification of epitopes on bovine prion protein and approval of laboratory for BSE samples


Amorfix Life Sciences Ltd. reported that it has completed the first step towards adapting its patent pending Epitope Protection technology to detecting bovine prions, the infectious aggregated misfolded proteins that cause BSE. This advance was accomplished by identifying two epitopes (or binding sites) on bovine prion protein which are blocked by its Epitope Protection technology. The company also reported that it has received approval from the Canadian food Inspection Agency and the Public Health Agency of Canada to handle BSE samples. The Veterinary Laboratory Agency (VLA) of the United Kingdom, which is one of the European reference laboratories for the analysis of transmissible spongiform encephalopathies (TSE) has confirmed that it will supply BSE-positive samples to the company to develop and validate its EP-BSE(TM) test kit.

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