PerkinElmer Appoints Karl Hecker to Head Key Research & Development Center

Appointment Positions Company for Future Growth in Molecular Medicine


PerkinElmer, Inc. announced its appointment of Dr. Karl Hecker as Director of Research & Development (R&D) for its Boston-based Center of Excellence. He will lead all product R&D efforts for the Center, which focuses on molecular medicine solutions for the company's Life and Analytical Sciences unit. These solutions include chemistries, reagents, instruments and software serving the needs of customers engaged in areas such as proteomics, genomics and life sciences research.

Dr. Hecker joins PerkinElmer from Invitrogen and brings over 20 years of scientific experience in chemistry and biochemistry applications. Dr. Hecker holds a Ph.D. in biochemistry from Florida State University, a master's of science degree in chemistry from Eastern Illinois University, and master's and bachelor of science degrees in chemistry from Johann Wolfgang, Goethe University, Frankfurt Germany.

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