VWR International, Inc. and Sartorius AG Sign Agreement on Distribution of Laboratory Water Purification Systems in North Americ


VWR International, Inc and Sartorius AG have signed an exclusive, multi-year agreement on the distribution of laboratory water purification systems in the North American marketplace. The agreement grants VWR the exclusive rights to distribute Sartorius arium laboratory water purification systems and their accessories including consumables in the USA, Canada and Mexico. For the European market, an agreement with VWR covering the distribution of the arium product family has been in place since the beginning of 2004.

"The fact that VWR has chosen Sartorius speaks for the quality of our systems. Following the excellent joint marketing activities with our laboratory water purification systems in Europe, the Sartorius agreement with VWR International now secures Sartorius an outstanding presence in the North American markets. At the same time, we are consolidating our position as an all-in-one provider for laboratories.", commented Matthias Keff, Senior Vice President of the Biolab business area at Sartorius.

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