LUM strengthens the distribution in the NAFTA region with its own US subsidiary


The extension of the international distribution network of L.U.M. GmbH is continuously increased. New focal point of the export activities is the significant market for scientific instruments in Northern America.

To raise the market share furthermore and secure the growth of the L.U.M. parent company in Berlin, L.U.M. has founded its own subsidiary in the USA, responsible for the NAFTA countries USA, Canada and Mexico. Thus providing a competent point of contact in this region for distribution and service of all instruments for rapid characterization of dispersions.

The new company LUM. Corporation is managed by Prof. Dr. Dietmar Lerche (Director and Chairman of Board), Dean Abadzic, Ph.D. (CEO and President) and Wolfgang Weber (Vice President).

As of January 2005 LUM Corp. starts its business in Medford, MA, directly neighbouring to the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and to the city of Boston.

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