PerkinElmer Awarded for Gas Chromatography Technology


PerkinElmer Inc. has received two silver Connecticut Quality Improvement Award (CQIA) innovation prizes in headspace sampling technology for gas chromatography. The awards will be presented at the 17th Annual CQIA Conference on Quality & Innovation in Westbrook, Connecticut.

CQIA awarded one of the prizes based on the ability of PerkinElmer's TurboMatrix(tm) Headspace Trap technology to determine the temperature inside a sealed container, and the other on its ability to detect leaks in a sample vial by monitoring the pressure-decay profile during vapor extraction. Launched in November 2003, the TurboMatrix Headspace Trap represents an industry first in headspace-trapping technology, providing up to 100 times lower detection limits.

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Topic world Gas chromatography

Gas chromatography is an essential method in analytical chemistry for the separation and analysis of volatile compounds. Due to its high resolution and sensitivity, it has become firmly established in areas such as environmental analysis, food chemistry or forensic science. GC provides precise and reliable results and enables deep insights into the chemical composition of samples.

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Topic world Gas chromatography

Topic world Gas chromatography

Gas chromatography is an essential method in analytical chemistry for the separation and analysis of volatile compounds. Due to its high resolution and sensitivity, it has become firmly established in areas such as environmental analysis, food chemistry or forensic science. GC provides precise and reliable results and enables deep insights into the chemical composition of samples.

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