LION bioscience and European Bioinformatics Institute Renew and Expand Relationship

New agreement extends usage of SRS to commercial organizations worldwide and establishes joint research efforts in bioinformatics


Cambridge and Heidelberg. LION bioscience and the EMBL-European bioinformatics Institute (EBI) announced an expansion of their relationship, which will benefit the bioinformatics community worldwide. As part of the new agreement, LION has agreed to allow the EBI, as well as other academic institutions, to use the latest versions of SRS to provide their research critical content to researchers worldwide - at both academic institutions and commercial organizations - with no restrictions. The SRS server at EBI will be set up to be the public reference server worldwide. In addition, the organizations have agreed to work more closely together on developing new technologies in the field of bioinformatics. Specifically this will be to extend the scope of EBI resources made available through the SRS interface and a collaboration on the development of visualization components to enable fast and intuitive comprehension of complex scientific data.

"We believe this collaboration will further strengthen LION as a key provider of critical bioinformatics technology and allow us to explore new areas of collaboration and product development with key research institutions worldwide," said Thure Etzold, President of LION bioscience Ltd., UK.

Graham Cameron, Associate Director of the EBI, added, "LION is an important partner to the EBI and to the world's leading academic institutions, pharmaceutical, and biotechnology companies. We look forward to continuing to work closely with them".

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