Metals and Trace Elements in Aqueous Solutions
SPECTRO Analytical Instruments GmbH

Advanced ICP-OES Analysis with Dual Side-On Interface (DSOI) Technology
The multi-element analysis of water is a major application for ICP-OES analyzers and this application report demonstrates the capabilities of the new SPECTROGREEN with Dual Side-On Interface for the analysis of metals and trace elements in waters in terms of sensitivity, precision, and accuracy. This application is described in several ICP-OES standard procedures such as US-EPA Method 200.7 or ISO 11885.
The report includes the line selection, detection limits and studies on precision and accuracy. In summary, the SPECTROGREEN with Dual Side-On Interface offers a simple, fast, accurate, precise and cost efficient method for the analysis of water demonstrated with the excellent recoveries achieved for NIST SRM 1640a.
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Metals and Trace Elements in Aqueous Solutions
Advanced ICP-OES Analysis with Dual Side-On Interface (DSOI) Technology