GeneBio Appoints Mark Pitman to Run North American Business Operations


Geneva bioinformatics (GeneBio) SA announced the hiring of Mark Pitman, formerly of Proteome Software, for the role of Sales and Business Director, North America. This newly created strategic position gives GeneBio an established presence in this important market with a well-known and respected member of the Life Sciences community.

Mr. Pitman will focus his efforts on GeneBio's flagship product Phenyx. Mark will also work towards expanding GeneBio's industry partnerships in the mass spectrometry field in order to provide more comprehensive value-added solutions to customers, a role at which he excelled with his previous employer.

"The creation of this new position in North America testifies to the importance of this region in our proteomics business and to GeneBio's commitment to play an ever-increasing role in this fast-evolving MS market," said Nasri Nahas, CEO of GeneBio. "The addition of Mark to GeneBio's highly dynamic team brings us someone well respected in the field who is intimately familiar with our product offerings. An opportunity like this does not present itself very often; we are glad to have Mark on board and look forward to his contributions and future success."

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