Recognized for Excellence in China: Analytik Jena Fares Well at a Trade Conference

12-May-2017 - China

Analytik Jena has now achieved particular recognition in China: At this year’s Annual Conference of China Scientific Instruments (ACCSI) the Company received multiple awards, including being named as one of the ten most influential foreign suppliers.

Two Analytik Jena products also received recognition: ZEEnit 700P, a high-performance atomic absorption spectrometer for fully automated graphite AAS, was honored as one of the strongest instruments available for the second year in a row. AOX/TOX analyzer multi X 2500 was a prize winner in the water analysis category.

The instruments that are to receive awards are decided by the users of the technology themselves in an online vote. As Analytik Jena CEO Ulrich Krauss put it: “This type of recommendation from user to user cannot be overestimated. They represent an important resource when it comes to decision-making in the field. We are very proud that we did so well at the conference and that the Analytik Jena brand can increase its market presence in this way.”

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