A new ISO 9001:2008 for Altmann Analytik by TÜV Süd

22-Aug-2014 - Germany

Altmann Analytik has received anew certification according to quality management norm ISO 9001:2008 by TÜV Süd. Also Dinkelberg analytics, a business domain acquired early in 2014 receives the certification for the first time.

Founded in 1984, the specialist retailer for lab equipment Altmann Analytik has been a dependable and independent partner for analytics laboratories worldwide. Particularly in the pharmaceutic industry, highest quality is a basic requirement in all areas and therefore an important selection criterion. Besides being partner of many analytics laboratories, the growing number of high quality manufacturers and the anew ISO 9001:2008 certificate confirm the high quality of the services and products offered by Altmann Analytik GmbH & Co. KG.

Stefanie Glasow, appointee for quality management at Altmann, is especially pleased about the certification of the business domain Dinkelberg analytics: “Reliability and celerity linked to the high service quality, e.g. product recommendations independent from manufacturers, are among the basic understanding of Altmann Analytik. The ISO certificate proofs also the new business domain Dinkelberg analytics complies the targeted requirements to offer the customers the best possible service.”

With the acquisition of Dinkelberg, a supplier for laboratories founded in 1922, products of general laboratory equipment as well as laboratory apparatus and chemicals are integrated to the product portfolio of Altmann Analytik and available in the online shop www.analytics-shop.com. Altmann Analytik along with Dinkelberg analytics are combining a product portfolio to satisfy the demand of the costumers of the pharmaceutic industry as well as the dairy and food industry. Now the customers have got an affirmation through the ISO certification to have a reliable partner with the highest grade of quality.

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