Epiontis Announces Collaboration with Genzyme Corporation to Develop DNA Methylation Markers for Cellular Therapeutics


Epiontis GmbH announced a collaboration agreement with Genzyme Corporation aimed at the development of quality control tests for Genzyme's cartilage repair product Carticel®. The collaboration will exploit Epiontis' DNA methylation technology, providing several highly sensitive assay techniques for cell purity and identity as well as robust tissue specific biomarkers, which act as cellular barcodes. It is planned that the jointly developed quality control test will be applied in Genzyme's manufacturing process and acceptance by the FDA is intended.

Under the terms of the collaboration, Epiontis will receive R&D funding, milestone payments, and technology license payments in exchange for the grant of an exclusive collaboration in the field of cartilage repair and an option to develop the technology in broader applications. The exact financial details of the collaboration were not disclosed.

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